Here is a list of acronyms, names, and labels you may come across during your initial excursion into the animal rescue world. Some of them are obvious, some not so much.
If you think of any others that should be included in this list, please email them to me at Thank you!
DACC – Department of Animal Care and Control
PDD – Potentially Dangerous Dog.
DNR – Do Not Rescue. This means the rescue in question may be a “bad” rescue but you should always do your own investigating to discover why and if they truly are DNR.
DNA – Do not adopt to this person.
DNF – Do not foster with this person.
OS – Owner surrender
CHIPPED/CHIP – The animal has a microchip implanted
PTI – Party turning in.
CRECEIVING – Shelter reception area where dogs are received.
AXXXXXXX – Shelter ID number.
NL – Not listed. These animals are not listed on the county website for adoption. For example, unweaned puppies.
CRACK – The animal is in a portable kennel waiting for a kennel to be assigned.
Cxxx – Kennel number.
QUARANTINE – The area where they house dogs who need to be kept apart from other animals and the general public.
CCLINIC – The animal is currently housed in the shelter clinic.
URI – Upper respiratory infection.
CFOSTER – The animal is currently being fostered by a shelter volunteer.
CVET – The animal is currently at an outside Vet.
(N) – Neutered.
(S) – Spayed.
PTS – Put to sleep. Euthanized.
BA – Behavior Assessment.
CTA – Commitment to adopt. The registered CTA may be a private adopter or an animal rescue who has committed to go to the shelter to adopt/rescue the animal on a certain day. A CTA has to be registered in person at the shelter.
IP – Interested Party – An interested party is a person who has registered an interest in adopting a specific animal from the shelter. If the animal has a CTA and they don’t show up to collect the animal, the shelter will start calling registered IP’s in the order they registered. IP’s may be registered over the phone. Carson Shelter Call Center 310-523-9566 #5 #2 #2.
RESCUE ONLY– “Rescue Only” means a private adopter is prohibited from adopting this dog from the shelter and an LA County Partnered Rescue (AP) is required to “pull” the dog. A dog can be labeled as Rescue Only if it is deemed aggressive, needs specialized veterinary help or is pregnant. A partnered rescue means the rescue has applied to LA County to become an Adoption Partner, has met the requirements, and has been approved.
AP – Adoption Partner. The Department of Animal Care and Control, DACC, works with Adoption Partners (APs) who help place animals into forever homes. APs help by taking in animals who, often times, have special needs or require extensive medical care. APs are able to rehabilitate these animals and prepare them for their forever home.
SCSD – Saving Carson Shelter Dogs. SCSD is a volunteer-run FB page dedicated to Carson Shelter Dogs. They are not the shelter. They provide an individual post, featuring videos, images, and information for every dog currently in Carson Shelter. The page is updated every evening for new arrivals and departures. This is a vital resource enabling rescue advocates to share, pledge, and crosspost Carson Shelter Dogs. You can find them here Saving Carson Shelter Dogs
PLEDGE – A pledge is a promise to pay $x.xx to the rescue who rescues a particular animal. Once the animal has been rescued, a representative of the rescue will contact all the people who have pledged to tell them how they can pay. Pledges are normally paid through PayPal but sometimes checks are acceptable. It depends on the rescue. To pledge on an animal, leave a comment on the animal’s fSCSD Facebook post with the amount you wish to pledge to a 501(c)3 reputable animal rescue.
501(C)3 – Section 501(c)(3) is the portion of the US Internal Revenue Code that allows for federal tax exemption of nonprofit organizations, specifically those that are considered public charities, private foundations or private operating foundations. It is regulated and administered by the US Department of Treasury through the Internal Revenue Service. Examples include churches, benevolence organizations, animal welfare agencies, educational organizations, etc. Strict rules apply to both the activities and the governance of these organizations. 501(c)(3) organizations are highly regulated entities.
Having 501(c)3 status does not necessarily mean the organization is reputable and you should still do your due diligence, however, it does mean any donations you make to these organizations can be claimed on your taxes. Make sure you get a receipt!
PH – PetHarbor is the National Adoptable and Lost & Found database. The database includes dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens available for adoption from Animal Shelters, the Humane Society, and the SPCA. PH also lists lost and found animals. You can search PH at
OTB – Out the building. The animal has left the shelter having been adopted or rescued.
© Rhiannon West
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